Diploma Application Form

Application to the Diploma Program

The American Academy of Bookbinding currently offers Diploma programs for both Fine Binding and Integrated Studies. Students can apply for the Diploma program of their choice after having attended a minimum of four classes at AAB, including the Fundamentals of Leather Binding. Students enrolled in these diploma programs are required to complete a certain number of bindings through a combination of Practical Course Work at the Academy, Elective Course Work and Independent Study. The student will then choose a Diploma Project. Experts in the field will then jury the Diploma Project and successful candidates will graduate with an official diploma from the Academy.

Contact Information

Diploma Program

Please select the Diploma Program to which you are applying for admission.

Application Materials

Please provide a brief essay which explains your interest in the Diploma Program. What are your long-term goals and how can AAB assist you in achieving them?
Please provide a general outline for how you will complete the requirements of your chosen Diploma. How often will you attend class at AAB? How many bindings will you need to complete? What type of research project are you considering?
Please upload a current resume which includes your coursework at AAB. The prerequisite coursework for applying to a diploma program is a minimum of two classes at AAB including the Fundamentals of Fine Leather Binding.
Please upload five images of recent work (maximum file size to upload is 1 MB), or send five photos to aab@ahhaa.org.


Thank you for your application!  We will review your application and follow up with you within 2-4 weeks.